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Biography of Ricki Goldman

Dr. Ricki Goldman is Professor of Information Systems at New Jersey Institute of Technology. After completing her doctorate at MIT in 1990, she was appointed Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia. Goldman has conducted three video-based studies of children's scientific thinking in computer-rich learning cultures and designed seven video analysis tools. One of these, WebConstellations, was awarded Canada's 1998 National Center of Excellence in Telelearning Technology Award. Her current video analysis tool, ORION, can be found at

Goldman's theories on perspectival knowledge building are articulated in her first book, Points of Viewing Children's Thinking: A Digital Ethnographer's Journey (LEA, 1998) and its accompanying website with video cases A second book, Learning Together Online: Research on Asynchronous Learning Networks-co-edited with Starr Roxanne Hiltz and scheduled for publication with LEA in 2004-pulls together a range of diverse authors and viewpoints about research on learning networks. She is also a co-investigator with Hiltz on a learning networks Web Center Project supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Currently, she is working on a third book, an edited volume with co-editors Roy Pea, Brigid Barron, and Sharon Derry called Video Research in the Learning Sciences, to be published by Lawrence Erlbaum in 2005.

In addition to her book, journal publications, chapters, and online productions, she has been invited to speak at over 100 scholarly gatherings. She has served as AERA Division C, Section 4 Chair, AI and Education (ATL) SIG Chair, and the Sylvia Scribner Chair. She has served on five editorial boards, four conference boards, and reviews numerous proposals. Her research has been supported with grants from Canada's two governmental agencies: the Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC).

Ricki's passions are good conversations with friends, photography, hiking, biking, and folk dancing. And video ethnography!

Copyright 2003-2008.