Current Issue
Past Issues

Instructions to Authors

The Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology publishes articles devoted to original research in the area of educational technology. Submission of a manuscript represents an author's certification that the illustrated research study is original work. The importance and relevance of the research topic to educational technology should be clearly stated.

The editors encourage authors to submit articles that are accompanied by multimedia evidence that is germane to the research findings. Manuscripts should clearly indicate where multimedia files should be placed in the text. Multimedia files should contain brief examples or explanatory artifacts that provide information not given textually. They may include, but are not limited to, video, audio, animation, and image files.

Manuscripts are to be submitted in APA style. Please include a one or two-sentence summary of your article that will be used as a link. Abstracts of 100-150 words are required to introduce each article.

Manuscripts will be peer reviewed based on the following criteria:

  1. Relevance of the research question(s) to the field of educational technology.
  2. Grounding of the study in relevant theory and research.
  3. Appropriateness of the methodology.
  4. Validity of the conclusions.
  5. Quality of the writing.
  6. Appropriateness of the media submitted.

Reviewers are chosen for their knowledge and scholarship in the field of educational technology. 

Manuscripts are to be submitted in duplicate via CD-ROM (2 CD's) or DVD's to:

Karen Swan, Ed.D.
Journal Editor
Research Center for Educational Technology
201 Moulton Hall
Kent State University
Kent, OH 44242



Jennifer Kelly
Managing Editor

Research Center for Educational Technology
201 Moulton Hall
Kent State University
Kent, OH 44242


Copyright 2003-2006.