Browse Author Index

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Al Shehri, Saleh, University of Queensland, Australia
Aremu, Ayotola, University of Ibadan
Armstrong, Anne-Marie, Wayne State University
Arrigo, Marco, Italian National Research Council - Institute for Educational Technology
Assis, Alessandro, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Özgün-Koca, S. Aslı, Wayne State University


Bado, Niamboue, Ohio University
Banister, Savilla, Bowling Green State University
Barone, JC, Mount St. Mary College
Basch, Charles, Teachers College, Columbia University
Bates, Christi, Holden Elementary School, Kent City Schools, Ohio
Beddall-Hill, Nicola Louise, City University, London
Bell, Megan, University of North Carolina
Bell, Randy L., University of Virginia
Bergtrom, Gerald, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Bertelsen, Cynthia D., Bowling Green State University
Binns, Ian C., Louisiana State University
Blair, Rowena J, University of Edinburgh
Blank, Murray, University of Maryland University College
Blaschke, Christina, Michigan State University
Bobkoff Katz, Karyn, University of Akron
Bogle, Glen, University of Illinois Springfield
Booth, Richard, Hillcrest Elementary School, Revere Local Schools, Ohio
Boston, Jeremy, Hiroshima Shudo University
Bowman, Joseph, University at Albany
Boyle, Conrad, University of Maryland University College
Boyle, Theresa, Crestwood Intermediate School, Crestwood Local Schools, Ohio
Bradley, Claire, London Metropolitan University
Breakwell, Nicholas, Hibernia College
Broekema, Andre, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen
Brouse, Corey Hannah, Columbia University
Brouse, Corey H., SUNY Oswego
Brown-Martin, Graham, Learning Without Frontiers
Buckelew-Martin, Elizabeth, San Antonio Independent School District
Bulger, Sean, West Virginia University
Bunce, Steve


Campbell, Deborah, Kent State University, RCET
Chan, Vania
Charlevoix, Donna J., University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Chow, Tracy HF, Teachers College, Columbia University
Ciprì, Giovanni, Italian National Research Council - Institute for Educational Technology
Ciszewska-Carr, Justyna, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Condit, Nancy, Kent State University, CDC
Cook, John, London Metropolitan University
Cook, Vickie, University of Illinois Springfield
Cornelius, Sarah, University of Aberdeen
Cottrell, Selena, Fishcreek Elementary School, Stow-Munroe Falls City Schools, Ohio
Crandell, Alli, Hollins University
Crompton, Helen, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Csizmar Dalal, Amy, Carleton College


Danchak, Michael, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Day, Scott, University of Illinois Springfield
Deegan, Robin, Cork Institute of Technology
Dodson, Lisa, Oregon Health & Science University
Donnelly, Lisa Ann, Kent State University
Du Mont, Rosemary, Kent State University


Eddy, Colleen M., University of North Texas
Editor, RCETJ, Kent State University, RCET
Editor, RCETJ, Kent State University
Edwards, Michael T., Miami University
Edwards, Thomas G., Wayne State University
Endres, Fred, Kent State University
Eow, Yee Leng, Universiti Putra Malaysia


Fallahkhair, Sanaz, University of Brighton
Fischer, John M., Bowling Green State University
Foley, Gregory D., Ohio University
Foster, Greg, Rhodes University
Fox, Robert, The University of Hong Kong
Fraga, Lucretia M., The University of Texas at San Antonio
Franciszkowicz, Mark, West Point Military Academy
Francom, Jeff, Canadore College (Commerce Court), North Bay, ON
Franks, Margie, Crestwood Intermediate School, Crestwood Local Schools, Ohio
Freddolino, Paul, Michigan State University


Goedde, Allison, Bowling Green State University
Greller, Wolfgang, Open Universiteit
Guerrero, Shannon, Northern Arizona Univeristy


Harmon, Janis M., The University of Texas at San Antonio
Harper, Suzanne R., Miami University
Harrison, Steve, Virginia Tech University
Hawkins, Andrew, West Virginia University
Hayslett, Carianne, Marquette University
Hichens, Deidre, Hillcrest Elementary School, Revere Local Schools, Ohio
Hodges, Dodi, Bowling Green State University
Holmes, Aliya, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Hopfengardner Warren, Sandra, East Carolina University
Hopkins, Amy, Holden Elementary School, Kent City Schools, Ohio
Housner, Lynn, West Virginia University


Ichinose, Cherie, Claremont Graduate University
Ingram, Albert, Kent State University
Ingram, Albert L, Kent State University


Jabbar, Abdul, University of Huddersfield, West Yorkshire
Jarmon, Leslie, University of Texas at Austin
Jasso, Judit, University of Perugia
Jeffs, Tara, East Carolina University
Jenkins, Clair, University of Wolverhampton
Johnson, Doris G., Wright State University
Jones, Jr., James (Jim), Clemson University


Kariuki, Mumbi, Nipissing University
Katz, Karyn Bobkoff, University of Akron
Kelly, Janice, O.H. Somers Elementary School, Mogadore Local Schools, Ohio
Kelly, Jennifer, Kent State University
Khan, Samia, UBC
Kidwell, Laurie, Kent State University, CDC
Killeen, Erin, Fishcreek Elementary School, Stow-Munroe Falls City Schools, Ohio
Kirwin, Susan, Hibernia College
Klein, Robert M., Ohio University
Kohler, Brynja Raquel, Utah State University
Komoff, Barb, Crestwood Intermediate School, Crestwood Local Schools, Ohio
Kordel, Richard, Penn State University, Harrisburg
Kratcoski, Annette, Kent State University, RCET
Kruse, Alissa, Fishcreek Elementary School, Stow-Munroe Falls City Schools, Ohio
Kulmala, Dan, Fort Hays State University


Lacko, Sherry, Crestwood Elementary School, Crestwood Local Schools, Ohio
Lansiquot, Reneta, New York City College of Technology
Large, John, University of South Florida
Laubach, Marty, Marshall University
Lee, Kyeong-Hwa, Korean National University of Education
Lewis, David, National Science Foundation
Lewis, David, University of South Florida
Lin, Yimei, Kent State University, RCET
Little, Laura, Laureate Education, Inc.
Llorens-Molina, Juan-Antonio, Polytechnic University of Valencia
Lunsford, Jane


Mag-isa Estoque, Cecilia, Raffles Institute, Shanghai
Marston, Phil, University of Aberdeen
Maxwell, Margaret, Western Kentucky University
Mayes Pane, Debra, Florida International University
Mazzer, Patricia, Kent State University, RCET
McClain, Karen, Highland Elementary School, Stow-Munroe Falls City Schools, Ohio
McLaren, Susan V, University of Edinburgh
McNeal, Thomas, Kent State University, RCET
McVey, Mary, San Jose State University
Mikusa, Michael, Kent State University
Milani, Alfredo, University of Perugia
Miller, Debra, Fishcreek Elementary School, Stow, OH
Miller, Debra, Fishcreek Elementary School, Stow-Munroe Falls City Schools, Ohio
Mills, Catrin M., University of Illinois
Mills, Keren Michele, The Open University
Moreno, Max, University of South Florida
Morgan, Colleen
Mufeti, Tulimevava K., University of Namibia
Murphy, Elizabeth, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Murray, Gordon J., Kent State University


Neds-Fox, Joshua, Wayne State University
Nickless, Julie, Windmill School Telford Shropshire
Nyangau, Josiah, Kent State University, RCET


O'Sullivan, Ed, Marquette University
Oboko, Robert, University of Nairobi, School of Computing and Informatics
Okamoto, Toshio, University of Electro-Communications
Omwenga, Elijah I., University of Nairobi
Organista-Sandoval, Javier, Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada
Ou, Chung-Ming, Kent State University
Owen, R. James, Kent State University


Pachler, Norbert, Institute of Education, London
Pachler, Norbert
Painter, Jane, East Carolina University
Pallottelli, Simonetta, University of Perugia
Palmer, Ryan, Oregon Health & Science University
Park, Hyungsung, Korea National University of Education
Parker, Robyn E., Plymouth State University
Passmore, Cynthia
Patton, Barba, University of Houston-Victoria
Pearson, Laura, Anspear Ltd.
Pemberton, Lyn, University of Brighton
Perkins, Scott, Abilene Christian University
Perkins Bowen, Candace, Kent State University
Perrin, Karen, University of South Florida
Picciano, Anthony, Hunter College
Polhemus, Linda, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Polson, Deb, Queensland University of Technology
Porath, Suzanne, University of Wisconsin Madison
Pulman, Andy John, Bournemouth University


Ramsey, Camille, West Virginia University
Raper, Jonathan, City University, London
Regan, Blake, Ohio University
Ring, Gail, Clemson University
Rodrigues, Anthony, University of Nairobi
Rodriguez Manzanares, Maria A, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Roselan, Baki, Universiti Putra Malaysia
Rosen, Gail, Drexel University
Rosnaini, Mahmud, Universiti Putra Malaysia
Rothwell, Paul, Cork Institute of Technology
Royle, Karl, University of Wolverhampton
Rusnak, Laura, University of South Florida
Ryan, Tom, Nipissing University
Rypkema, Sally, Michigan State University


Saltsman, George, Abilene Christian University
Sanchez, Joe, University of Texas at Austin
Sangi, Nazir, Allma Iqbal Open University
Sangodoyin, Abiodun, University of Ibadan
Sathe, Nikhil, Ohio University
Schaefer, Matthew, Virginia Tech University
Schneiter, Kady, Utah State University
Schraff, Larissa, University of North Carolina
Schweig, Sylvia, State University of New York at Albany
Schweizer, Heidi, Marquette University
Seipold, Judith
Serrano Santoyo, Arturo, Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo Educativo
Sheikh, Hassan, The Open University
Shive, Erin, Kent State University, CDC

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2005, 2012, Research Center for Educational Technology