Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology, Vol 1, No 1 (2005)

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Teacher-Student Interactions in a Ubiquitous Computing Environment: Learning within Dyads & Triads of Interaction

Karyn Bobkoff Katz, Annette Kratcoski


This investigation was designed to examine the features of teacher-student interactions in a ubiquitous computing environment. The study focused on the learning context created by the teacher when interacting with students as they used technology to support their learning. Data obtained from quantitative and qualitative analyses of the teacher-student discourse were examined. Interpretation reflected the context of existing research documenting specific teacher linguistic and communicative behaviors that tend to facilitate students’ use of problem solving and higher order thinking skills. A primary finding of this investigation is the suggestion that when technology is part of the classroom interaction context, the teacher-student dyad may expand to a “triad”, comprised of teacher-student-technology.

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2005, 2012, Research Center for Educational Technology