MoLeaP – The Mobile Learning Project Database: a pool for projects and tool for systematic description and analysis of mobile learning practice
Judith Seipold, Norbert Pachler
This paper introduces MoLeaP – The Mobile Learning Project Database, a service provided by the London Mobile Learning Group (LMLG; at MoLeaP is a public and free-of-charge online database for education professionals interested in mobile learning practice underpinned by theory. Projects, applications, and resources can be submitted by users in order to make materials and experiences available to a broad audience and to encourage the implementation of mobile learning projects in different learning contexts, such as school/college/university, family, workplace, and/or everyday life. As no user data are available yet at the time of writing, we focus here on the theory, which underpins the database. In addition, we present a working example, which we describe and analyze according to the fields of the database.
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2005, 2010, Research Center for Educational Technology