Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology, Vol 6, No 1 (2010)

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Mobile Technology as a mechanism for delivering improved Quality of Life

Andy John Pulman


A recent United Nations report shows more than half the global population now pay to use a mobile phone (Tryhorn, 2009), whilst a survey by Anderson and Rainie (2008) predicts that by 2020, most people in the world will be using a mobile device as their primary means of connecting to the Internet. Mobile technology offers great opportunities for providing accessible personalized healthcare management, information and support. The Vodaphone Group (2006) suggest one particular area is improving the effectiveness of healthcare (and reducing the risk of more serious complications) through improved self-management and monitoring of patients with chronic conditions, and improved adherence to treatment programs. This paper outlines how mobile technology could be used as a potential mechanism for delivering improved health-related Quality of Life (HRQOL) to people with long-term conditions (LTC) and discusses the possibilities and problems of using a mobile delivery mechanism in an effective and user-friendly manner.

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2005, 2012, Research Center for Educational Technology