Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology, Vol 4, No 2 (2008)

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Video-Based Instruction to Enhance an Active Learning Environment for General Chemistry

Mark Franciszkowicz


“Podcasting” and “Vodcasting” have received particular attention as way to send or push content to students. These techniques show promise, but arguably can create a more passive learning environment. Our program methodologies seek to utilize current technologies to facilitate the development of self learners in an active learning environment. Using screen capture software, we created Video-based Additional Instruction (VAI) for a General Chemistry course to foster problem solving skills and conceptual understanding of course material. The supplemental resource was linked to an online syllabus which required students to seek or pull content as needed. We used surveys and website hit counter data to determine when and why students use the resource and surveys to determine its perceived benefit. We also conducted limited efficacy testing between users and non-users. Initial self surveys show overwhelming use of the resource for both pre-class preparation and pre-test review with nearly 80% utilizing at least 50% of the videos available. Students agreed that it improved their conceptual understanding and their problem solving skills. Students who used VAI prior to class (30% to 40%) showed increased participation and performed statistically better on all beginning-of-class quizzes. Moreover, students wanted other departments to use VAI in their classes and courses. The initial data suggests that videos in a pull content show great potential in supporting an active learning environment as well as providing additional on demand support outside of normal office hours.

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2005, 2012, Research Center for Educational Technology