Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology, Vol 9, No 1 (2013)

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Planning with Technology in Mind: Preparing Pre-Service Social Studies Teacher to Integrate Technology in the Classroom

Kristen Shand


Preparing pre-service teachers to plan with technology in mind fosters the development of technological pedagogical content knowledge that results in high quality technology use for teaching and learning. This paper presents a model of technology-rich instructional planning for pre-service social studies teachers. The quality and quantity of technology use in digital unit plans of 17 pre-service teachers was evaluated. A total of 85 lessons were analyzed. Participants were surveyed to self-report on how they planned for technology in their lessons. The lessons were also reviewed by education faculty to analyze the types of technology integrated in the instructional plans. Results show a sizeable amount of high-quality technology integration, mostly used for presentation purposes.

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2005, 2012, Research Center for Educational Technology