Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology, Vol 7, No 2 (2011)

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A Two Year Comparative Analysis of Cyberbullying Perceptions of Canadian (Ontario) Preservice Educators

Tom Ryan, Mumbi Kariuki


Canadian pre-service teachers in this two-year survey study (year one n=180 and year two n=241) agreed that cyberbullying is a problem in schools that affects students and teachers. A lack of confidence was found in both years when it came to identifying and/or managing cyberbullying yet participants claimed they would try to act. In comparison to other topics covered in the current teacher preparation program, cyberbullying was believed to be equally important. Our two-year study indicated that teachers should use an anti-cyberbullying infused curriculum which has activities and up-to-date resources. A school-wide approach, in combination with professional development and school assemblies, coupled with counselling from community supports was perceived to be essential to deal with cyberbullying. Year one and year two participants also indicated that parents and community members need to be involved and messages should be put forward via various media sources.

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2005, 2012, Research Center for Educational Technology