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Instructions to Authors for Special Issue Spring 2009Blended LearningThe Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology (RCETJ) is seeking articles on Blended Learning for a special issue, edited by Karen Swan, to be published in the spring of 2009. Articles to be considered for this special Spring 2009 issue should focus on the integration of face-to-face and online instruction in a planned and pedagogically sound manner, but they may address issues of blended learning from research-based, practical, or theoretical perspectives at any levels of academic and institutional contexts. Articles addressing the use of blending to increase access to education and/or link academic and various real world contexts will be particularly appreciated. To have your article considered (even if it is presently in progress) you must submit an abstract of 250-500 words (full drafts will, of course, be gratefully accepted) by October 15, 2008 to the editors: Karen Swan (kswan@kent.edu) & Mark van’t Hooft (mvanthoo@kent.edu) Please put “submission for RCETJ issue on Blended Learning” in the subject line your email message. Notifications of acceptance/rejection will be sent out by October 31, 2008. NOTE: Acceptance of the abstract does NOT guarantee that your manuscript will be published. RCETJ is a refereed journal, and as such, all submitted manuscripts are subject to a comprehensive review process.
Final submissions for the online journal articles are expected to include multimedia evidence and sources that might include: images; illustrations; video; sound; animation; simulation; and links to online data and references. For more information please visit https://www.rcetj.org or contact the editors. October 15, 2008: Deadline to submit abstracts (250-500 words) October 31, 2008: Notification of acceptance/rejection of abstract January 31, 2009: Author deadline for submitting completed manuscript and multimedia files February 27, 2009: Editor deadline for reviewing papers and returning comments to authors March 27, 2009: Author deadline for making revisions and submitting final papers and accompanying materials April 24, 2009: Expected publication date
The Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology provides a multimedia forum for the advancement of scholarly work on the effects of technology on teaching and learning. The journal publishes the original, refereed work of researchers and practitioners twice a year in a multimedia electronic format. It is distributed free of charge over the World Wide Web to promote dialogue, research, and grounded practice, Learn more about RCETJ and review the Instructions to Authors at: www.rcetj.org |
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