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Instructions to Authors for Special Issue Spring 2008

Learning while Mobile

The Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology provides a multimedia forum for the advancement of scholarly work on the effects of technology on teaching and learning.  It seeks to provide unique avenues for the dissemination of knowledge within the allied fields of new media and educational technology consistent with new and emerging technology research, theory, application and best practices.

This special Spring 2008 multimedia edition seeks to explore innovative uses of mobile technologies and what it means to learn while mobile. Examples of topics include (but are not limited to), learning with mobile devices such as smartphones, handhelds, and other multimedia devices; mobile web; crossing boundaries between formal and informal learning; place-based learning; mobile networks for learning.

To have your article considered (even if it is presently in progress) please submit an abstract (250-500 words), BY DECEMBER 7, 2007 to the editors:

                             Mark van't Hooft                            Alison Bland

Please put “Submission for RCETJ issue on Learning While Mobile” in the subject line your email message.

Notifications of acceptance/rejection will be sent out by December 14, 2007.

Final submissions for the online journal articles are expected to include multimedia evidence and sources that might include: images; illustrations; video; sound; animation; simulation; and links to online data and references.

Completed articles and all multimedia source files from selected authors must be submitted by April 4, 2008 for publication in the April 2008 issue.

The journal publishes the original, refereed work of researchers and practitioners twice a year in multimedia electronic format. It is distributed free of charge over the World Wide Web to promote dialogue, research, and grounded practice.

Copyright 2003-2007.