Joseph Bowman

Dr. Bowman was recently elected to The University of the State of New York, as a Regent, representing educational policy issues for New York State.

Dr. Bowman is an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Theory and Practice and the Director of Center for Urban Youth and Technology (CUYT) at the University at Albany, State University New York. Among the courses he teaches are educational television production, multi media design, and topical seminars on instructional technology. He has also taught computing, information management, and television production at Teachers College, Columbia University.

CUYT develops programs in research, instructional and curriculum design relating to technology and its impact on rural and urban communities. CUYT has been involved with the Science Technology Entry Program (STEP) at the University for three years, providing middle school students with support in Science, Math and Technology. The CyberHood Kids project at the elementary school level has been designed to promote reading skills and technology with third grade students. This volunteer program has linked with the 2 Together project to support educational initiatives at the elementary school level. CUYT has received the GOALS 2000 grant with the Schenectady School District to develop a technology plan for the district. This grant brings district teachers together to create an integrated technology-based curriculum plan and then design projects that support the plan.

Dr. Bowman has a committed interest in education, community development, and technology and worked with community organizations to around the country. In 1996, working with the One Hundred Black Men of the Capital Region, he established the 100-NET technology network in the capital region of New York, through a grant from the NYNEX Diffusion Fund. In 1999, 100-NET was expanded with another grant from the Community Technology Center, US Department of Education. 100-NET now has twelve local sites and one main site in Albany. These sites provide technology (computers, Internet, and workforce job skills) access to people in the community.

Dr. Bowman has been involved in development, design, and implementation of instructional technology in education and business for over fifteen years. He served as coordinator of an academic instructional facility at Teachers College, Columbia University for nine years.

As a consultant, Dr. Bowman has worked on several projects and completed Project Prism, a Math and Science parent initiative sponsored by the National Urban League and funded by Annenberg/CPB. In this project, he was responsible for development of a national bulletin board serve about parent math and science projects around the country. Dr. Bowman served on the advisory board for the Asian Educational Resource Center (AERC). AERC developed Asian studies materials that include web site development, the creation of three CD-ROM's on Asian studies, and a TechAsia teacher-training component. He served as a steering committee member for the Access by Design project, Education Development Corporation and the Center for Children and Technology. Access by Design evaluated the importance of content specific materials that are culturally relevant and represents positive efforts of other ethnic groups.

An electronic and print media journalist and photographer, he has also served as a producer director at Channel 17, Schenectady, New York and has published for several news services (Amsterdam News, Village Voice, and Class Magazine) in the New York City area.

Dr. Bowman's research has focused on questions of access and equity to technology and content for urban and rural communities. He recently published a special edition journal on "Adoption and Diffusion of Educational Technology in Urban Areas" for the Journal of Educational Commuting Research. He held the first academic upstate Digital Divide conference at the University at Albany, and spoke at the first Legislative Educational Technology Conference at the Legislative Office Building, Albany, New York.